Tuesday, July 10, 2007

TST - Tuesday's Sewing Tips

Today we start a new weekly post. TST - Tuesday's Sewing Tips! We will have hints and tips related to sewing, crafting, quilting and more on Tuesdays.

Here is today's Sewing Tip. This week's tip applies to everyone who uses an iron! The fastest and easiest way to clean the bottom on your iron and renew the smooth glide is to do the following:

  • heat up the iron

  • use a new Bounce (or similar) dryer sheet - do not use the spongie kind

  • place the dryer sheet on several paper towels to protect your ironing board

  • run the hot iron over the dryer sheet to remove any residue on the bottom of the iron

  • save the paper towel/dryer sheet to use again on the opposite side of the dryer sheet

This will take off any 'nasty' residue from plastic to fusible web. Cleans up your iron slick as a whistle! Skip those awful smelling iron cleaners - this will do the trick and put that smooth glide back on the bottom of your iron!

Give it a try and please let me know how you liked it. I enjoy reading your comments.

Have a great day! Now go do some ironing........


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